Heart Healthy In this fall pasta recipe, pumpkin purée makes a rich, creamy sauce without the high fat and calories of heavy cream. An...
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Hunger remains a serious problem in New York City, but particularly among seniors and vulnerable New Yorkers during this pandemic. There...
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Content Powered by Rise Up ENY LaceUp for the Virtual New York City Kidney Walk in November “I walk for my fellow fighters and for...
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A life-changing event can transform how you think and live. By: David White / Content Powered by Rise Up East New York “Your kidneys...
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Juicing allows for a fast absorption of nutrients and is an easy way to eat more fruits and vegetables. Packed with antioxidants, vitamins...
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As we head into flu season and still battling the COVID pandemic, HealthyNYC has created a series of events for COVID Testing, Flu Shots...
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Photo from Brookdale Medica Center Safety Fair Today, Dreyfus Health Policy and Research Center announced the launch of their new campaign,...
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You may have no symptoms, but here’s how to know if you should be tested for kidney disease. An estimated 26 million Americans have...
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This week’s segment of VOICES of East New York with Nikki Lucas, will feature a Livestream Discussion on East New York Health &...