2019 Harlem Week will be in full swing from July 28 – August 24, and one of the exciting events during Harlem Week features the...
The HealthyNYC Expo started three years ago in East New York, Brooklyn, at the Brooklyn Sports Club, but is now expanding to become the...
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Brooklyn, NY – JIG Media has announced that the 3rd Annual Healthy NYC Expo will be held Saturday September 7, 2019 at the Brooklyn...
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The NYC Rent Freeze program freezes rent for eligible tenants, including seniors living in rent-stabilized apartments who make $50,000 or...
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Today, New York for Seniors announced that Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield has come on board as a partner for the New York for Seniors Health...
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JIG Media Announces Its Expansion of New York for Seniors® With the ‘Social Scene’ Program for Senior Centers, Adult Day Centers and...
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You can now Register for one or more of the 2019 New York for Seniors Health & Resource Fairs. Below is a link to the list of events...
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Today it was announced that JIG Media and HealthyNYC will be partnering with the Central Harlem Senior Citizens’ Centers Inc. ,...
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JIG Media, owners of the HealthyNYC initiative, announced the launch of the HealthyNYC Events Calendar. Health and wellness organizations...
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PICTURED: Bronx Deputy Borough President Marricka Scott McFadden (front row, second from right) celebrates the grand opening of new...