Today it was announced that JIG Media and HealthyNYC will be partnering with the Central Harlem Senior Citizens’ Centers Inc. , to bring the New York for Seniors Health and Wellness Resource Series to Harlem, Thursday May 9, 2019 (10am-2pm).
“We are excited to be bringing the New York for Seniors Health and Wellness Resource Series to Harlem”, stated Vernon Jones, Sr., CEO of JIG Media. “We are on our third year in Brooklyn and the Bronx, so this Harlem launch is special for us. The Central Harlem Senior Citizens’ Centers Inc, is the perfect partner because of their work in the Harlem community, as it relates to seniors. The day will be complete with activities, refreshments, giveaways, health screenings, entertainment and a host of resources from our healthcare partners. All seniors are welcome, and as with all of our health events, everything is free.”
“Central Harlem Senior Citizens’ Centers, Inc. is excited to partner with New York for Seniors to organize a Health & Wellness Resource Fair with fulfilled activities in Harlem”, stated James Haynes, Executive Director of Central Harlem Senior Citizens’ Centers Inc.
New York for Seniors events attracts upwards of 500-750 attendees and 30-50 partner organizations, including hospitals, home care agencies, health plans, city agencies. and senior-focused organizations. All agencies are at the events to provide information, and to educate the seniors on the vast resources that are available for seniors throughout New York City.
Senior centers are welcome to bring groups of seniors.
- Attend the event – Register here, or you can RSVP by calling New York for Seniors at (877)255-7017.
- Become a vendor or sponsor of the event Contact JIG Media here, or call (877)255-7017. Vendor space is limited to 25 vendors for this event, so secure your partnership immediately!
- Place an ad in the New York for Seniors print magazine, which will be distributed at the event, and in over 325 senior centers throughout New York City, contact Wayne Jordan at or call (718)285-9351.
See past New York for Seniors events Bronx and Brooklyn.
To stay updated on senior initiatives throughout New York City. Subscribe to the New York for Seniors Online Newsletter.
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